Friendship tree planting program in 2023 - Tay Ho District

The 2023 Friendship Tree Planting Program is organized by the People's Committee of Tay Ho District. This is a meaningful activity to respond to the Prime Minister's call to plant 1 million trees and at the same time contribute to raising the awareness of protecting and beautifying the environment, building a symbol of the peaceful - productive connection. with the nations of the world.

The program "Plant Friendship Trees" will take place at 08:00 on June 4, 2023. At the Opening Ceremony, there was a special welcome art performance program; opening remarks by the leaders of Tay Ho district and the Hungarian Ambassador to Vietnam, planting trees of friendship. Within the framework of the program, there will be activities of the national cultural experience area, exhibition and experience of Tay Ho traditional folklore such as Phu Thuong sticky rice, Quang An tea... All promises to create a Fun cultural event, full of fun for everyone.

With the determination to build Tay Ho district into a tourist and cultural service center of the Capital, the district has always actively promoted international cooperation activities in various fields and diversified traditional education. history, encouraging and encouraging people of all walks of life, especially the young generation, to continue to cultivate the good relations between Vietnam and countries around the world. At the same time, promote and introduce the cultural beauty of the country and people of Vietnam in general and Tay Ho - Hanoi in particular to international friends.

Activities in the Friendship Tree Planting Ceremony in 2023 will contribute to further tightening the friendship - cooperation - development between countries; improve the quality of people's foreign affairs activities in the new situation; opens up many opportunities for cooperation, development, investment and business connection for Vietnamese and international businesses.

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